Kirsten is one of the Niche OG’s and has been popping in & out since Niche first opened the doors in 2014. When she’s not in the gym you’ll find her training for long distance runs, cycling events or open water swimming. She sure knows how to stay active 🙌
When Did you start at Niche?
I started the second week after Niche opened with Jen back in April 2014
What were you doing before CrossFit?
Mostly weekend warrior mountain biking
Why Niche?
Super friendly coaches and athletes
Favourite Movement/Workout or CrossFit moment?
Anything that I actually manage to do properly!
One Random non-CrossFit fact about you
Work in progress but nearly vegan for 6 months (depends if wine qualifies as vegan)

A regular early bird with the 5:30am crew and always with a big smile on her face, Jess is an absolute pleasure to coach. Never afraid to give something new a crack, she has come along in leaps...